Coding Skills:*


During my studies I learned many different programming languages. During the bachelor at the Bauhaus University, the tasks were mainly in C++ and Java.
Also first experiences with JavaScript and SQL are of course part of every computer science study. I then programmed my first thesis in Python and got a deeper insight into this language.
In subjects like computer graphics, but also for my private creative coding projects I was able to train myself basics in glsl.
Furthermore, during my internship at Vestico GmbH I was able to get first impressions of Unreal Engine and Blueprint development.
Besides the languages already mentioned, I spent a lot of time programming in Unity, i.e. in C#, during my master studies, especially during my thesis. During this time I also learned basics of the Robot Operating System (ROS), to control robotic arms and receive information about the current robot state.
Although I have of course spent a lot of time programming, I am far from calling myself a real "pro" in any of the languages mentioned, because I keep realizing how much there is still to learn.

Unreal Engine
Sublime Text
Visual Studio (Code)
Spyder Anaconda
*totally representative self-assessment